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Planning Board Minutes 04/20/10
Minutes of Meeting – April 20, 2010

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:00 p.m., Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Robert D’Amelio, Tom Collins, Dirk Underwood, Jennifer Burke, Planning Director and Teresa Vickery, Clerk.

Public Hearing – Proposed Zoning Amendment - Floodplain

Mr. D’Amelio convened the Public Hearing.

Ms. Burke informed that Board that this proposed warrant article seeks to amend the existing flood plain by-law.  It replaces section of the by-law in its entirety and replaces it with a new version which updates the plan references and flood insurance study dates.  The existing maps/study is dated 1979 and needed to be revised.  This update is a requirement by FEMA.  The Town needs to have this done by June 4, 2010 or we will no longer be eligible to take part in the Flood Insurance Program.

Lee Murphy, 416 Main Street asked if the elevations were being raised.  Ms. Burke was unsure.  Mr. D’Amelio noted that an answer must be sought and prepared before Town Meeting.  He also asked that Ms. Burke bring the maps to Town Meeting to make them available for review.

Tom Collins, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to close the public hearing.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Public Hearing – Proposed Zoning Amendment – Bed & Breakfast
Present was: Kirk Carter, Petitioner

Mr. D’Amelio convened the Public Hearing.

Mr. Carter explained to the Board that this By-Law would help with the up keep of his property located at 21 Pleasant Street (The Apsley Mansion).  Like other historic properties it is costly to maintain and this income could help with the maintenance.  

Mr. D’Amelio noted that this article is quite specific and well written.  Only a few properties would be included.  

Adam Smith, Shay Road, asked about seeing a copy of the by-law and where it originated from.  Ms. Burke explained that the petitioner wrote the by-law and copies are available at Town Hall and on the website.  He explained that he would like to see if his property would be eligible under the by-law or write his own by-law.  Ms. Burke explained that if this passes he may be able to amend it at a later Town Meeting.  She offered to answer any questions after he reviewed the by-law.

Tom Collins, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to close the public hearing.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous


Thomas Collins, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to accept the minutes of April 6, 2010

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Cancel Meeting

Bob D’Amelio, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to cancel the Planning Board meeting of May 4, 2010.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous


Tom Collins, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to adjourn at 7:30PM.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner